
Geplante Veranstaltungen / Future Events

16-17 May 2024: Workshop „Extractive Zones“, University of Cologne

21-23 November 2024: Workshop „Energy & Future (Studies)“, University of Cologne in cooperation with Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum

25-27 March 2025: Workshop „Environmental Ethics and Climate Justice“, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Further information coming soon

Vergangene Veranstaltungen / Past Events

7-8 March 2023: Workshop „Kohle als Energiequelle in der Literatur von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart“, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, organized by Antonia Villinger

Further information:

21 March 2023: Workshop: “Energy and Popular Culture”, University of Cologne, organized by Judith Rauscher, Victoria Herche and Verena Wurth

Further information:

25 July 2023: Internes Vernetzungtreffen / Internal Network Meeting, online

22 January 2024: Roundtable Discussion (online) on „Forgetting Fossils, Figuring Future“ with our member Katie Ritson, organized by the ASCET (Aesthetic and Social Construction of Energy Transition) Project

Further information:

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